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Servo Motor Repair Indiana

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All our services come with a hassle-free one-year warranty on parts and labor

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Indianapolis and Fort Wayne are two of the largest cities in Indiana and house some of the most extensive manufacturing facilities in the state. Since Indiana is home to both large and small scale manufacturing, businesses rely heavily on parts like various types of servo motors. Over the years, the reliance of large and medium-sized machines on servo motors have meant that if the servo motor failed, the entire machine grinds to a complete halt. That’s why businesses trust us to ensure that their servo motors are reliably repaired on time.

DC servo motor repair & spindle motor repairs are often considered complex projects. Not only do they require experience but certified technicians who have knowledge of servo motors. Adding to the complexity is the fact that there are different types of servo motors. Advanced equipment for testing, documenting, disassembly, and assembly is required to guarantee quality servo motor repair. Fortunately, we handle all of this for our clients.

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Servo Motor Repair

Repair Services Let our specialists with 20+ years experience and thousands of repaired motors under their belt, take care of your servo motor repair needs. Read More

Electronics Repair

Repair Services Accu Electric Motors has repaired industrial electronics for major industries from all over the world. With over $500,000 invested in test Read More

Robotics Repair

Repair Services We’ve got 24 robots of different types such as Fanuc, Nachi, Yaskawa, ABB, as well as others in order to test any kind of parts. Read More

Pump Repair

Repair Services With many years of experience in the business, we can offer you the greatest selection of gearbox repair, rebuild, and engineering upgrade services Read More

Gearbox Repair

Repair Services With many years of experience in the business, we can offer you the greatest selection of gearbox repair, rebuild, and engineering upgrade services Read More

Winding Analysis

Repair Services Winding can fail over an extended period of time, and without proper testing equipment it is hard to determine the cause. Read More

Industrial Motor

Repair Services We will be glad to provide you with the high quality industrial motor repairs and improvements that will maximize their productivity. Read More
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The Importance of Servo Motors

When choosing AC servo motor repair in Indiana or even DC servo motor repair, it is crucial to consider just how important this part is to your business. Today servo motors drive everything from small devices with an output shaft, which allows it to change various angular positions to larger applications like OEM machine manufacturing, material handling, HVAC, automotive, and printing. The reliability of a repaired servo motor needs to be high to minimize potential future downtime.

Accu Electric Inc we been serving the state of Indiana for a very long time and have earned a reputation for providing highly reliable servo motor repair services. That’s why many businesses in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne continue to rely on our ability to reliably repair their servo motors.

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Servo Motor Repair Manufacturers

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Why Accu Electric Inc is the Leading Name in Servo Motor Repair

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.7″ hover_enabled=”0″]We have, over the years, spared no expense when it comes to using the best, latest test equipment, tools, and hiring the best people to work for us. Nearly 30 years in the industry has taught us that the key to successfully repairing any servo motor is understanding what is wrong with it, and that requires extensive in-house testing capabilities. The ability to test a myriad of servo motors has allowed us to find and fix issues that without would go unnoticed. Not to mention that it has helped us reliably repair thousands of servo motors for hundreds of clients across Indiana. AC Servo Motor Repair, as well as DC servo motor repair, is time-consuming for most competiting businesses in this industry, but we’re able to shorten our lead time to just a few days. That’s all down to our process, which is fast and yet thorough, not allowing even the slightest detail to be overlooked. That is why clients continue to trust us for the best servo motor repair in Indiana.

Our servo motor repair service in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis include:

  • Stator and armature rewinding
  • Magnet recharging
  • Digital, incremental and serial encoder tests
  • High-speed balancing and vibration testing

All repaired motors are additionally tested to ensure that they meet our high-quality standards. What’s more, is that we put in a lot of effort to ensure that the repaired servo motor looks and works just like a new one, if not better.

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Quick Turnaround Time

Whether your servo motor was made by Siemens, Fanuc, Yaskawa, Kallomorgen, etc., we have the capability not just to repair it but get the job done fast. We know just how much money the downtime is costing you, and for some businesses, it can be more disastrous than others. Nevertheless, we strive to make sure that the servo motor is repaired quickly but without compromising the quality of our repairs in any way. We also take extra steps to ensure that the servo motor will not cause any further downtime for your business.

Businesses that are in a big hurry to get their servo motor repaired in Indiana are welcome to call us to discuss options. We have a couple of contingencies and suggestions which can help businesses minimize their downtime even further. That’s why if your business is taking a big financial hit because of a spoilt servo motor and you need something done fast, we urge you to get in contact with us ASAP.

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Our Customers

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