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Servo Motor Repair Illinois

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All our services come with a hassle-free one-year warranty on parts and labor

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Our DC servo motor repair & spindle motor repairs services are fast, reliable and use the latest testing equipment. Whether it is grounded windings, a damaged shaft or an issue with the encoder, Accu Electric Motors Inc has the specialized equipment and knowledgeable technicians to perform thorough repairs and testing. If you are looking for servo motor repair services in the State of Illinios then please give us a call to speak with an engineer.  

We have the ability to mechanically and electrically test every repaired servo motor. Our team puts a servo motor through a series of dynamic and static tests to verify that all repairs made meet OEM specifications. Not to mention that our team thoroughly tests servo motors sent to us for repairs to determine what is exactly wrong with them to ensure a permanent solution. When you send your servo motor to us, it is a guarantee that the repaired motor you receive is every bit as good as a new one but costs you a fraction of the price. So, you can expect years of service life from the servo motor like you can from a new one.

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Servo Motor Repair

Repair Services Let our specialists with 20+ years experience and thousands of repaired motors under their belt, take care of your servo motor repair needs. Read More

Electronics Repair

Repair Services Accu Electric Motors has repaired industrial electronics for major industries from all over the world. With over $500,000 invested in test Read More

Robotics Repair

Repair Services We’ve got 24 robots of different types such as Fanuc, Nachi, Yaskawa, ABB, as well as others in order to test any kind of parts. Read More

Pump Repair

Repair Services With many years of experience in the business, we can offer you the greatest selection of gearbox repair, rebuild, and engineering upgrade services Read More

Gearbox Repair

Repair Services With many years of experience in the business, we can offer you the greatest selection of gearbox repair, rebuild, and engineering upgrade services Read More

Winding Analysis

Repair Services Winding can fail over an extended period of time, and without proper testing equipment it is hard to determine the cause. Read More

Industrial Motor

Repair Services We will be glad to provide you with the high quality industrial motor repairs and improvements that will maximize their productivity. Read More
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Fast Turnaround Time for Servo Motor Repair in Chicago and Aurora

Servo motors are a complex piece of equipment consisting of several pieces that need to work in unison for it (the motor) to perform optimally. It is also important to mention that there are several types of AC servo motors and DC servo motors, each of which requires knowledge of those specific types of motors to ensure proper repairs. However, in our nearly 30 years of experience, the secret to our fast turnaround time for servo motor repair in Illinois has been our ability to quickly test and repair a servo motor using the best inhouse equipment.

Accu Electric Inc has over $1,000,000 worth of equipment dedicated to fixing all types and brands of servo motors. Using the best equipment ensures not only the fastest lead time but also repairs that would otherwise not be possible. It also helps us detect issues that would otherwise go unnoticed. So, not only do you experience the least amount of downtime when choosing to send your servo motor to us for repairs but also the fact that the motor will perform for years to come, so minimal downtime in the long-term too.

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Our Servo Motor Repair Process

We take AC servo motor repair just as seriously as larger DC servo motors. All servo motor repair in Illinois, regardless of their size and type, are put through the same process of checking, inspection, repairing, and re-tested to ensure reliability. So, understanding how our process works is key to determining if your servo motor will be in good hands.

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Servo Motor Repair Manufacturers

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Frequently Asked Questions

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You can mail in your servo motor from a large city like Chicago or Aurora or another nearby town. We will acknowledge receiving your motor, which signals that we’ve started working on it.

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The second step is to find what is wrong with the motor which requires dynamic and static testing. Results from the testing process help us determine how best to repair the motor. At times multiple parts will need to be replaced and a list is made before the servo motor is disassembled for repair.

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Repairing a servo motor requires that it be completely dismantled and then rebuilt with all faulty parts replaced. Our qualified technicians also carefully inspect the servo motor, in addition to cleaning it. An inspection helps us find slightly defective or failing parts that can be replaced before they fail causing additional downtime for a business. New hardware like seals, gaskets and a few other things are added before the servo is resealed for retesting.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Retesting the Servo Motor ” _builder_version=”4.0.7″ open=”off”]

All repaired servo motors are put through testing again. The tests ensure that the motor was repaired as per OEM standards and is ready to perform reliably.

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Our servo motor repair in Illinois makes sure that all motors are carefully packaged and shipped as expected. Connectors will get their respective protective coatings, and a fresh coat of paint may be applied before the servo motor is shipped.

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Our Customers

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